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The Tom Holt Bibliography

These are the books Tom Holt has written, listed in the revese order in which they were published. Omnibi are listed further down.


The Outsorcerer's Apprentice 2014 humourous fiction
When it's a jar December 2013 humourous fiction
Lucia and the Diplomatic Incident September 2013 short story
Doughnut 2013 funny science fiction
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Sausages 2011 humour
Blonde Bombshell 2011 humour
May Contain Traces of Magic 2009 humour
Barking 2008 funny fantasy
The Better Mousetrap 2009 humourous
You Don't Have to be Evil to Work Here, But it Helps 2006 humourous
Someone like me 2 Mar 2006 fantasy thriller
Meadowland 3 Mar 2005 historical
Earth, Air, Fire and Custard February 2005 humour
In Your Dreams 28th May 2004 humourous
The Portable Door 6th Mar 2003 humourous
A Song for Nero 16th Jan 2003 historical/humourous
Little People 6th Jun 2002 humourous fantasy
Falling Sideways 17th Jan 2002 humourous
Nothing But Blue Skies 3rd May 2001 humourous
Valhalla 1 June 2000 comic fantasy
Olympiad 4 May 2000 historical
Snow White and The Seven Samurai 1999 comic fantasy
Alexander At The World's End 1999 historical
Only Human 1999 comic fantasy
Wish You Were Here 1998 comic fantasy
Open Sesame 1997 comic fantasy
Bitter Lemmings 1997 filk songs
Paint Your Dragon 1996 humorous
My Hero 1996 humorous
Djinn Rummy 1995 humorous
Odds & Gods 1995 humorous
Faust Among Equals 1994 humorous
Grailblazers 1994 humorous
Here Comes the Sun 1993 humorous science fiction
Overtime 1993 humorous
Ye Gods! 1992 humorous
Flying Dutch 1991 humorous
The Walled Orchard 1990 historical
Goatsong 1989 historical
I, Margaret 1989 biography
Who's Afraid of Beowulf? 1988 comic fantasy
Expecting Someone Taller 1987 comic fantasy
Lucia Triumphant 1986 fiction
Lucia In Wartime 1985 fiction
Poems By Tom Holt 1973 poetry


Fishy Wishes: Omnibus 7
          An omnibus containing the novels Wish You Were Here and Djinn Rummy
7 Oct 2004 humour/omnibus
Saints and Sinners: Omnibus 6
          An omnibus containing the novels Paint Your Dragon and Open Sesame
2 Sep 2004 humour/omnibus
Tall Stories: Omnibus 5
          An omnibus containing the novels Expecting Someone Taller and Ye Gods!
5 Aug 2004 humour/omnibus
For Two Nights Only: Omnibus 4
          An omnibus containing the novels Overtime and Grailblazers
27th of February 2004 humour/omnibus
Divine Comedies: Omnibus 3
          An omnibus containing the novels Here Comes the Sun and Odds and Gods
5th Dec 2002 humour/omnibus
Mightier Than the Sword: Omnibus 2
          An omnibus containing the novels My Hero and Who's Afraid of Beowulf?
7 Mar 2002 humour/omnibus
Expecting Beowulf
          An omnibus containing the novels Expecting Someone Taller and Who's Afraid of Beowulf?
Feb 2002 humour/omnibus (US)
Dead Funny: Omnibus 1
          An omnibus containing the novels Flying Dutch and Faust Among Equals
7 Sep 2000 humour/omnibus

Not Published Yet

Working title: Here Be Dragons?humour


Holt! Who goes there?1998collection

Anthologys by Mike Ashley whom Tom Holt appears in

Heroic Adventure Stories?anthology
The Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy1998anthology
Shakespearean Whodunnits1997anthology
Shakespearean Detectives1998anthology
Royal Whodunnits1999anthology
Mammoth Book of Seriously Comic FantasyAugust 1999anthology
More Shakespearean Whodunnits, with the story: A Good Report of the Worm

Books in other languages

Tom Holts' books have been translated to French, German, Polish and Japanese.

Other publications

Tom Holt wrote the preface for the book Cosmic Cornucopia, a book with Josh Kirbys drawings with comments by David Langford 

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Book Cover of Open Sesame

Quote from Open Sesame

The conscientious arsonist doesn't just set the building on fire; first he fills the fire extinguishers with petrol.
(Tom Holt, "Open Sesame")
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All stories/filksongs is written by Tom Holt, and not by me.
This is a fan-page about Tom Holt, made by me,
Tom Holt is in no way responsible for whatever I put up or write here.