www.edlin.org / Tom Holt
The Tom Holt Webpage
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Links to other websites about Tom Holt

Be sure to read the Biography, to find links to other pages which contains interviews with Tom Holt.
Orbit's page about Tom Holt. (Orbit is his publisher)

Paul Bines has made a fanpage about Tom Holt as well, you find it here.

Musical/Theatre: Expecting Someone Taller, in development.

Uwe Milde has got a page about Tom Holt as well as pages about other humourous fiction authors.

The British Fantasy Society, in which Tom Holt is a member and are writing a column for their Newsletter. They have published a collection of the columns and short stories he has written for them, it is called Holt! Who Goes There?.


If you would like to receive my newsletter about what new stuff that has been added, and other information related to sf/fantasy in general and particularly Tom Holt, drop me a mail.


There is a newsgroup for fans of Tom Holt!
It's called
alt.books.tom-holt, if you dont have a newsreader you can access the newsgroup easily through this webpage and Tom Holt does post there regularly.
The folks at a.b.t-h populates a place called Abthite
... and someone even draw a map over the village (where the posters of the newsgroup lives)
Other newsgroups of interest might be:

rec.arts.sf.written About SF/Fantasy in general
rec.arts.books About books in general
alt.fan.pratchett About Terry Pratchett
alt.fan.asprin About Robert Asprin
alt.books.robert-rankin About Robert Rankin
alt.fan.douglas-adams About Douglas Adams

And if you are a bit curious about filk:

rec.music.filk About filk-music


Yup, there is an IRC-channel for Tom Holt fans, it's located at the server irc.esper.net:5555
The channel's name is #holt and there is a weekly set meet at 22:30 GMT on Sundays, although drop in and see if anyone is there any time a day.

Index | Recent updates! | Biography | Bibliography | OnTheNet | Quotes | Links | Map of Site

Book Cover of Little People

Quote from Little People

Paranoia does wonders for your imagination.
(Tom Holt, "Little People")
You can read more about and order this book online from Amazon: UK - USA - Canada - Deutschland

https://www.edlin.org / holtContact: use this form

All stories/filksongs is written by Tom Holt, and not by me.
This is a fan-page about Tom Holt, made by me,
Tom Holt is in no way responsible for whatever I put up or write here.