www.edlin.org / Tom Holt
The Tom Holt Webpage
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The map is just a rough view of what exists on the website, there are currently 87 pages about the author Tom Holt at this site, so there is quite a bit of information.

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Sneak previews of forthcoming books Short Stories by Tom Holt available on the net Filk songs by Tom Holt An introduction to what Filk is all about, written by Tom Holt Humorous quotes from Tom Holts books. Also a Random Quote generator. Things that I did not put elsewhere Other authors that you might like if you like Tom Holts books The FAQ for the newsgroup Alt.Books.Tom-Holt Pointer to Orbits interview with Tom Holt A small biography on who Tom Holt is How to get in contact with Tom Holt Links to other resources on the net about Tom Holt An IRC channel about Tom Holt A newsgroup about Tom Holt The pointers to other webpages about Tom Holt A bibliography with lots of information about his books Information about the books being translated to German Unpublished books, and dates when they will be released The frontpage to The Tom Holt Webpage An index over all my other webpages Stories and suchlike by Tom Holt that is available online Each page about the books contains pointers on where to find other peoples reviews of the books Recent changes to this site, which pages was last updated

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Book Cover of Djinn Rummy

Quote from Djinn Rummy

Wherever you go, he remembered his brothers telling him, whichever inhospitable corner of the globe you wind up in, you can always be sure of finding three tall, bronzed Aussies in beach clothes and beat-up old camper.
 And you can bet your life that when the chips are down, they're not the ones whose fan-belts breaks three hundred miles from the nearest garage.
(Tom Holt, "Djinn Rummy")
You can read more about and order this book online from Amazon: UK - USA - Canada - Deutschland

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All stories/filksongs is written by Tom Holt, and not by me.
This is a fan-page about Tom Holt, made by me,
Tom Holt is in no way responsible for whatever I put up or write here.