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The Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy

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You can order the book online from the following bookstores:
Amazon.co.uk (Europe): Paperback
Amazon.com (US): Paperback

UK Edition:
Published: 29th of January, 1998
Publisher: Robinson Publishing
ISBN, paperback: 1-85487-530-2
539 pages.

US Edition:
Published: June, 1998
Publisher: Carroll & Graf
ISBN, paperback: 0-78670-533-7
512 pages.

The Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy
Edited by Michael (Mike) Ashley.
Contain short stories by Terry Pratchett and other authors.

A compendium of comic fantasy writing. Most of the stories are modern, with many especially written for this collection. The book also includes classic reprints and rare gems from comic fantasy's roots in past years.

Tom Holt appears with the story "Pizza To Go".

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Book Cover of Here Comes the Sun

Quote from Here Comes the Sun

"How many spectral warriors does it take to change a light-bulb?
 One, and a stepladder. At a pinch, of course, he could stand on a chair."
(Tom Holt, "Here Comes the Sun")
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