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Tall Stories: Omnibus 5 by

Book Cover - Tom Holt: Tall Stories: Omnibus 5

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Amazon UK (Paperback) Tall Stories: Omnibus 5
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Amazon Deutschland (Paperback) Tall Stories: Omnibus 5

Category: funny fantasy
Publisher: Orbit, published
ISBN: 1841493457, Paperback, 576 pages
Size: 12.6 x 3.5 x 19.6 cm

This Tom Holt omnibus contains the novels Expecting Someone Taller and Ye Gods!

Book synopsis (The back of the book says)

Two fantastic comic fantasies - EXPECTING SOMEONE TALLER and YE GODS! - available for the first time in one volume.

Tall Stories is another omnibus containing two of Tom Holt's beloved comic fantasies. In Expecting Someone Taller, all he did was run over a badger—sad, but hardly catastrophic. But it wasn’t Malcolm fisher’s day, for the badger turned out to be none other than Ingolf, last of the Giants. With his dying breath, Ingolf reluctantly handed to Malcolm two Gifts of Power and made him ruler of the world. But can Malcolm cope with the responsibility? In Ye Gods!, being a hero bothers Jason Derry. It’s easy to get maladjusted when your mom’s a suburban housewife and your dad’s the Supreme Being. It can be a real drag slaying monsters and retrieving golden fleeces from fire-spitting dragons, and then having to tidy your room before you can watch Star Trek. But it’s not the relentless tedium of imperishable glory that finally brings Jason to the end of his rope; it’s something so funny that it’s got to be taken seriously. Deadly seriously.

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Book Cover of Who's Afraid of Beowulf?

Quote from Who's Afraid of Beowulf?

`No, Starkad,' said the King kindly. `I know you're not afraid. But not this time. I'll explain later.'
 Starkad sat down, looking dejected, and Brynjolf patted him comfortingly on the shoulder. `It's because you're so stupid, Starkad,' he said gently.
 `You'd only be in the way.'
 `Oh,' said Starkad happily. `If that's the reason, I don't mind.'
(Tom Holt, "Who's Afraid of Beowulf?")
You can read more about and order this book online from Amazon: UK - USA - Canada - Deutschland

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