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When It's A Jar by

Book Cover - Tom Holt: When It's A Jar
Paperback Cover by

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Amazon UK (Paperback edition) When It's A Jar
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Amazon Canada (Paperback edition) When It's A Jar
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Kindle (eBook) editions
Amazon UK (Kindle edition) When It's A Jar
Amazon USA (Kindle edition) When It's A Jar
Amazon Canada (Kindle edition) When It's A Jar
Amazon Deutschland (Kindle edition) When It's A Jar
Category: humourous fantasy
First published: 17 December 2013
Publisher: Orbit, published
ISBN: 1841497827, Paperback edition, 384 pages
Publisher: Orbit, published 17 Dec 2013
ISBN: B00CIVLZXK, Kindle edition, 384 pages

Book synopsis (The back of the book says)

Maurice has just killed a dragon with a breadknife. And had his destiny foretold . . . and had his true love spirited away. That's precisely the sort of stuff that'd bring out the latent heroism in anyone. Unfortunately, Maurice is pretty sure he hasn't got any latent heroism.

Meanwhile, a man wakes up in a jar in a different kind of pickle (figuratively speaking). He can't get out, of course, but neither can he remember his name, or what gravity is, or what those things on the ends on his legs are called . . . and every time he starts working it all out, someone makes him forget again. Forget everything.

Only one thing might help him. The answer to the most baffling question of all.


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Book Cover of Only Human

Quote from Only Human

'-- here we go, surfing the Net again, something done by humans and very gullible fish'
(Tom Holt, "Only Human")
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