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The Outsorcerer's Apprentice by

Book Cover - Tom Holt: The Outsorcerer's Apprentice

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Book Cover - Tom Holt: The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
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Amazon UK (Paperback) The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
Amazon UK (Audio edition) The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
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Amazon USA (Audio edition) The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
Amazon Canada (Paperback) The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
Amazon Deutschland (Paperback) The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
Amazon Deutschland (Audio edition) The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
Kindle (eBook) editions
Amazon UK (Kindle edition) The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
Amazon USA (Kindle edition) The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
Amazon Canada (Kindle edition) The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
Amazon Deutschland (Kindle edition) The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
Category: humourous fantasy
First published: 2014
Publisher: Orbit, published
ISBN: 0316368792, Paperback, 400 pages
Size: 5.5 x 1 x 8.2 inches
Publisher: Hachette Audio UK, published 15 July 2014
ISBN: B00LBE5APE, Audio edition, 13 hours and 30 minutes pages
Publisher: Orbit, published 15 July 2014
ISBN: B00GEESBAW, Kindle edition, 401 pages

"A novel by overlords, underlings, and inhuman resources"

Book synopsis (The back of the book says)

A happy workforce, it is said, is a productive workforce. Mmmm. Try telling that to an army of belligerent goblins. Or the Big Bad Wolf. Or a professional dragons layer. Who is looking after their well-being? Who gives a damn about their intolerable working conditions, lack of adequate health insurance, and terrible coffee in the canteen? Thankfully, with access to an astonishingly diverse workforce and limitless natural resources, maximizing revenue and improving operating profit has never really been an issue for the one they call "the Wizard." Until now. Because now a perfectly good business model -- based on sound fiscal planning, entrepreneurial flair, and only one or two of the infinite parallel worlds that make up our universe -- is about to be disrupted by a young man not entirely aware of what's going on. There's also a slight risk that the fabric of reality will be torn to shreds. You really do have to be awfully careful with these things.
You can read a sample chapter at Orbit.

Other people's reviews of this book

Niall Alexanders review from July 2014

Andrew Osmonds review from July 2014

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Book Cover of Odds and Gods

Quote from Odds and Gods

'It's gone wrong.' Professor George Eisenkopf, resident nuclear genius at the University of Chicopee Falls, Iowa, and the State Department's leading authority on civilian atomic power, scratched his nose with the plastic coffee-stirrer he'd been given on the plane.
 'It isn't working properly,' he added, in case there were any laymen present.
(Tom Holt, "Odds and Gods")
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