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Nothing But Blue Skies by

Book Cover - Tom Holt: Nothing But Blue Skies

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Book Cover - Tom Holt: Nothing But Blue Skies

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Book Cover - Tom Holt: Nothing But Blue Skies

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Book Cover - Tom Holt: Nothing But Blue Skies

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You can read more about this book at Amazon's websites (where you also can order the book):
Normal paper editions
Amazon UK (Paperback) Nothing But Blue Skies
Amazon USA (Paperback) Nothing But Blue Skies
Amazon Canada (Paperback) Nothing But Blue Skies
Amazon Deutschland (Paperback) Nothing But Blue Skies
Kindle (eBook) editions
Amazon UK (Kindle edition) Nothing But Blue Skies
Amazon USA (Kindle edition) Nothing But Blue Skies
Amazon Canada (Kindle edition) Nothing But Blue Skies
Amazon Deutschland (Kindle edition) Nothing But Blue Skies
Category: humourous fantasy fiction
First published: 3rd of May 2001
Publisher: Orbit, published
ISBN: 1841490407, Hardcover, 317 pages
Size: 21.8 x 13.8 x 3.2 cm
Publisher: Orbit, published 17 Jan 2002
ISBN: 184149058X, Paperback, 336 pages
Size: 1.9 x 10.8 x 17.8 cm
Publisher: Orbit, published Hachette Digital
ISBN: B002TZ3EVQ, Kindle edition, 336 pages

Book synopsis (The back of the book says)

There are very many reasons why British summers are either non-existent or, alternatively, held on a Thursday. Many of these reasons are either scientific, dull, or both - but all of them are wrong, especially the scientific ones. The real reason why it rains perpetually from January 1st to December 31st (incl.) is, of course, irritable Chinese Water Dragons. Karen is one such legendary creature. Ancient, noble, near-indestructible and, for a number of wildly improbable reasons, working as an estate-agent, Karen is irritable quite a lot of the time. Hence Wimbledon. But now things have changed and Karen's no longer irritable. She's FURIOUS.
According to Tom Holt, it is about love, authoritarian government and the British love/hate relationship with their bloody awful weather.

Reviews of this book

After reading this book wrote this
There's a sardonic edge to Tom Holt's novel title Nothing But Blue Skies, since the master of comic conspiracy theories here reveals just why British weather consists of a wide variety of rain. Rather than his usual scapegoat the Milk Marketing Board, the culprits are--of course!--Chinese water dragons.
Young heroine Karen is herself a dragon, but for love's sake has taken on the almost human form of an estate agent. Alas, she's hopeless at romance--unfortunate for Britain, since as the hereditary Dragon Marshall of Bank Holidays she causes rainy side effects of up to 2,000,000,000,000 litres/second/square kilometre whenever angry or upset ...
No wonder rebellious TV weathermen, enraged by sabotaged predictions of sunny days, have kidnapped Karen's father and trapped him in the third shape available to dragons: a goldfish. But the kidnappers fall foul of imperialist conspirators who reckon Britain's weather made it great, inspiring us to go out and conquer all those hot places. Behind this outfit are the even more megalomaniac schemes of an Aussie media baron who for excellent legal reasons isn't called Murdoch.
We also learn about Britain's real state religion, featuring human sacrifices to the Queen, and the North Welsh cult which believes "that when we die, we'll be reunited on the other side with all the used paper hankies we've discarded over the years." Better not to mention the potshots at Microsoft Windows.
Full of comic invention and crazy set-pieces, it's guaranteed to cheer up a rainy day.

If you have read this book and have written down your thoughts, please mail me the location of your review and I will link it from here.

What critics have said

`Brilliantly funny'

`Uniquely twisted ... cracking gags'

Quotes from Nothing But Blue Skies

 If you hadn't noticed, I'm the pub loony around here. This is my turf, and if there's any gibbering to be done,
 I'm the one who does it. If you want to gibber, find another bar.
There are very many reasons why British summers are either non-existent or, alternatively, held on a Thursday.

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Book Cover of Nothing But Blue Skies

Quote from Nothing But Blue Skies

There are very many reasons why British summers are either non-existent or, alternatively, held on a Thursday.
(Tom Holt, "Nothing But Blue Skies")
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