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Royal Whodunnits

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You can order the book online from the following bookstores:
Amazon.co.uk (Europe): Paperback
Amazon.com (US): Paperback

UK Edition:
Published:25 February, 1999
Publisher: Robinson Publishing
ISBN, paperback: 1-85487-893-X
416 pages.

US Edition:
Published: April, 1999
Publisher: Carroll & Graf
ISBN, paperback: 0-78670-634-1
448 pages.

Royal Whodunnits
Edited by Michael (Mike) Ashley.

Brand-new crime stories of right royal mystery feature the crowned heads of Europe to delight both the mystery lover and the royal-watcher.

Tom Holt appears with the story "Accidental Death".

If you have read this book and have written down your thoughts, please mail me the location of your review and I will link it from here.

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Book Cover of My Hero

Quote from My Hero

'That maniac's just shot Eeyore!'
(Tom Holt, "My Hero")
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All stories/filksongs is written by Tom Holt, and not by me.
This is a fan-page about Tom Holt, made by me,
Tom Holt is in no way responsible for whatever I put up or write here.