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Expecting Beowulf

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Rayyan Omar?

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First published February 2002
ISBN, paperback: 1886778361
Publisher: NESFA Press
? pages.

This book contains the novels Expecting Someone Taller and Who's Afraid of Beowulf?, as well as a small biography by Tom Holt himself.

"Novelist, Englishman and admittedly incompetent amateur blacksmith Tom Holt offers readers two previously published comic fantasies under one cover in Expecting Beowulf (with a bonus of a very funny bio: Holt identifies himself, for instance, as a "short, fat, middle-aged bearded guy who sounds like someone doing a rather bad Hugh Grant impression"). A nighttime collision with the last of the Frost-Giants (who's disguised as a badger) shifts an ancient balance of power, and mild, dopey Malcolm Fisher is made ruler of the world in Expecting Someone Taller; in Who's Afraid of Beowulf (get it?) an archeologist rouses a dozen Vikings from a 12,000-year-old sleep and then has to be their treasurer, chauffeur and pseudo-mom as she aids them in their quest to save the world.

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Book Cover of Little People

Quote from Little People

Paranoia does wonders for your imagination.
(Tom Holt, "Little People")
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