The Wild Canadian Boy by Tom Holt
There was a wild Canadian boy; I dare not tell his name
For fear that on
the printed page he'll give me doubtful fame.
But science fiction, fantasy
and such was all his joy;
There never was a scholar like the wild Canadian
He studied hard by night and day until his brain was packed
constipated wisdom and a solid wadge of fact.
And though his brain was
bigger than the state of Illinois,
It left no room for thinking for the wild
Canadian boy.
And when the headache grew so bad he could endure no more
He sadly left
his native land and made for Albion's shore.
And oh! his heart was gladdened
when they shouted `Land ahoy!'
`At last I am in England,' said the wild
Canadian boy.
In nineteen hundred and sixty-nine he started his wild career,
A critic
some would come to love and others grow to fear.
And every book with
furrowed brow like finest corduroy
He'd scrutinize and comment on, that wild
Canadian boy.
And when his taste and judgement were acclaimed throughout the land
said `To write my masterpiece the time is now at hand;
A vast encyclopaedia
-- half a ton, avoirdupois --
Will be a fitting project for the wild
Canadian boy.'
By Sol's effulgent splendour and by Luna's silver beams
He tabulated
wonder and anatomized our dreams.
By phyle and genus and such types that
botanists employ
He pressed and dried them in his book, that wild Canadian
And when the work was over and the mighty task was done
He looked around
him, yawned and said `I'll write another one.'
And on his quest he pottered
forth, like Ulysses from Troy;
He never had a moment's rest, that wild
Canadian boy.
And great stupendous words he used to frame his thoughts serene,
there were times he wasn't sure exactly what they mean.
Some writers he
would fawn upon, and others he'd destroy,
But nothing was omitted by the
wild Canadian boy.
Imperious his language is, and complex is his style,
But mostly you can
work it out, although it takes a while.
And wild and woolly paragraphs that
puzzle and annoy
Are frequently the trademark of the wild Canadian boy.
So now the second volume goes galumphing through the press:
It may not
be quite perfect but it's awesome nonetheless.
And some may mutter `Oh my
God,' but most shout `Attaboy!'
If only 'cos they daren't offend the wild
Canadian boy.