These pages about different languages / apis / best practices were mostly jotted down quckily and rarely corrected afterwards. The languages / apis / best practices may have changed over time (e.g. the facebook api being a prime example), so what was documented as a good way to do something at the time might be outdated when you read it (some pages here are over 15 years old). Just as a reminder. Using Git together with Github, tips and tricksDeveloper notes I made about Git and Github as a version control systemI made some notes about cvs if you are still stuck with that. Useful linksMultiple SSH Keys settings for different github accountCreating a branch in Gitgit checkout -b [branchname]
Fetch latest code from Github repository
git pull origin master
Add a file to Git
git add [filename]
Compare changes between branches in GithubJust add compare after the repo name, e.g.https://github.com/EdlinOrg/jqTableKit/compare To compare master with a branch: https://github.com/EdlinOrg/jqTableKit/compare/master...BRANCH Push changes back to Github
git push origin [branchname]
Adding a forgotten file to Git
git commit -m 'initial commit'
Handling conflicts within GitWhen committing/merging, an automatic merge might fail.Read how to solve conflicts here: resolving a merge Full history of a file in Git (after it has been moved)To see the history of a file (i.e. the history previous to the move),you need to add --follow to the log command, e.g. to see full history for github.php
git log --follow web/github.php
.gitignoreJust as in CVS, you can create a file where files that shall be ignored can be listed.The file shall be called .gitignore and added to the repository, the content are just filenames, one on each line. E.g.
$ # Shows branches that are all merged in to your current branch $ git branch --merged $ # Shows branches that are not merged in to your current branch $ git branch --no-merged $ git tag to-be-tested $ git tag -a v1.1.0 # Prompts for a tag message $ git log -p $ git log --stat Show commits between two tags git log --pretty=oneline tagA..tagB Get a list of changes by user (x09 == tab in hex) git log --pretty=format:"%cn%x09%s" tagA..tagB | grep -v "Merge remote"|grep -v "Merge branch"|sort -u gives John Doe corrected bug with downloads John Doe fixed indentation John Doe added documentation John Doe corrected bug with uploads Only see the files modified in any way git log --name-only --pretty=format:"" tagA..tagB| egrep -v "^[[:space:]]*$" | sort -u When getting this below, even though not having any conflicts etc fatal: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists). Please, commit your changes before you can merge. this seems to do the trick git reset --merge More programming related pages |