| 1 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets J.K. Rowling |
 | 2 Ranulph Fiennes: Fit for Life Ranulph Fiennes |
 | 3 Southern Cross Patricia Cornwell |
 | 4 The Universal History of Numbers Georges Ifrah, et al |
 | 5 The Crisis of Global Capitalism George Soros |
| 6 Notes from a Big Country Bill Bryson
| 7 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Rowling J.K.
| 8 Captain Corelli's Mandolin Louis de Bernieres
| 9 The Beach Alex Garland
| 10 Conversation Theodore Zeldin
| 11 Delia's How to Cook Book 1 Delia Smith, Miki Duisterhof
| 12 Unified Modeling Language User Guide Grady Booch, et al
| 13 Blackadder: the Whole Damn Dynasty Richard Curtis, et al
| 14 Savage Garden Matthew Reid
| 15 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets J.K. Rowling
| 16 The Motley Fool UK Investment Guide David Berger, et al
| 17 Frontpage 98 Bible David Elderbrock, Paul Bodensiek
| 18 Access 97 Developer's Handbook Paul Litwin, et al
| 19 CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Erich Gamma, et al
| 20 Notes from a Small Island Bill Bryson
| 21 Losing My Virginity: the Autobiography Richard Branson
| 22 The Mythical Man-Month : Essays on Software Engineering Frederick P.Jr. Brooks
| 23 A Clash of Kings George R.R. Martin
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 | 25 What's Welsh for Zen? John Cale, Victor Bockris |
 | 26 Lost Moon : The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13 Jim Lovell, Kluger Jeffrey |
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 | 28 Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution Robert C. Atkins |
 | 29 The Tesseract Alex Garland |
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| 32 Before I Say Goodbye Ruth Picardie
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| 37 Working with Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman
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| 40 Unix System Administrator's Bible Yves Lepage, Paul Iarerra
| 41 Customers.com Patricia Seybold, Ronni Marshak
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| 43 Who Built America? : Working People and the Nation's Economy, Politics, Culture, and Society : From the Gilded Age to the Present Vol. 2 Joshua Freeman, et al
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| 46 Microsoft Windows Nt Server Resource Kit : For Windows Nt Server Version 4.0 (Microsoft Professional Editions) Stephen Jay Gould
| 47 Memoirs of a Geisha Arthur Golden
| 48 Henrietta Henrietta Moraes
 | 49 Programming Distributed Applications With Com and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 (Programming/Visual Basic) Ted Pattison |
 | 50 How Computers Work (How It Works Series) Ron White |
 | 51 On the Edge Edward St Aubyn |
 | 52 The Motley Fool's Rule Breakers, Rule Makers : A Foolish Guide to Picking Stocks David Gardner, Tom Gardner |
 | 53 Teach Yourself Visual Basic 5 for Applications in 21 Days Matthew Harris |
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| 72 Diana's Story Deric Longden
| 73 Enigma Robert Harris
 | 74 Eat the Rich P.J. O'Rourke |
 | 75 Tom Clancy's Powerplays: Ruthless.com Tom Clancy |
| 76 Re-engineering the Corporation Michael Hammer, James Champy
 | 77 Professional Active Server Pages 2.0 Alex Fedorov, et al |
 | 78 Emotional Intelligence DanielPhD Goleman |
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| 83 One Virgin Too Many Lindsey Davis
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| 90 Beginning Delphi 2.0 Peter Wright
| 91 The C Programming Language Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
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| 93 Unleashing the Killer App : Digital Strategies for Market Dominance Larry Downes, Chunka Mui
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| 98 Beginning Active Server Pages 2.0 Brian Francis, et al