| 1 Robbie Williams: Somebody Someday Robbie Williams, Mark McCrum |
 | 2 Happy Days with the Naked Chef Jamie Oliver |
 | 3 Learning to Fly Victoria Beckham |
 | 4 Atonement Ian McEwan |
 | 5 The Dog Listener Jan Fennell, Monty Roberts |
| 6 Black House Stephen King, Peter Straub
| 7 London: the Biography Peter Ackroyd
| 8 Nigella Bites Nigella Lawson
| 9 One-hit Wonder Lisa Jewell
| 10 The Blind Assassin Margaret Atwood
| 11 Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution Robert C. Atkins
| 12 Down Under Bill Bryson
| 13 Once James Herbert
| 14 The Last Hero Terry Pratchett, Paul Kidby
| 15 Shopaholic Abroad Sophie Kinsella
| 16 Blessed: My Autobiography George Best, Roy Collins
| 17 The Blue Planet Andrew Byatt, et al
| 18 Babyville Jane Green
| 19 A Mad World, My Masters John Simpson
| 20 Ainsley Harriott's Gourmet Express 2 Ainsley Harriott
| 21 The Veteran Frederick Forsyth
| 22 The Bear and the Dragon Tom Clancy
| 23 The Shape of Snakes Minette Walters
| 24 According to Queeney Beryl Bainbridge
| 25 One for My Baby Tony Parsons
 | 26 A Place in the Sun Fanny Blake |
 | 27 A Child Called "It" Dave Pelzer |
 | 28 A History of Britain Volume 2: 1603 - 1776 Simon Schama |
 | 29 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban J.K. Rowling |
 | 30 Northern Lights Philip Pullman |
| 31 Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason Helen Fielding
| 32 Nostradamus: the Complete Prophecies John Hogue
| 33 McCarthy's Bar Pete McCarthy
| 34 Man and Boy Tony Parsons
| 35 Management and Organisational Behaviour Laurie Mullins
| 36 Open Secret: The Autobiography of the Former Director-General of MI5 Stella Rimington
| 37 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets J.K. Rowling
| 38 The Skeptical Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg
| 39 The Amber Spyglass Philip Pullman
| 40 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Adult edition) J.K. Rowling
| 41 Violets Are Blue James Patterson
| 42 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone J.K. Rowling
| 43 All Families Are Psychotic Douglas Coupland
| 44 The Return of the Naked Chef Jamie Oliver
| 45 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire J.K. Rowling
| 46 No Logo Naomi Klein
| 47 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: Adult Edition J.K. Rowling
| 48 Pasos Book 1: Student Book Martyn Ellis, Rosa Maria Martin
| 49 One Last Time John Edward
| 50 The Devil and Miss Prym Paulo Coelho
 | 51 An Introduction to Programming with Visual Basic 6.0 David I. Schneider |
 | 52 The Tutankhamun Deception Gerald O'Farrell |
 | 53 The French Experience Course Book Marie-Therese Bougard, Daniele Bourdais |
 | 54 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R. Covey |
 | 55 Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography of Kurt Cobain Charles Cross |
| 56 How to Program (third edition) (with CD-ROM) Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel
| 57 Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents Terry Pratchett
| 58 Simply Brilliant: the Competitive Advantage of Common Sense Fergus O'Connell
| 59 Dr. Atkin's Quick & Easy New Diet Cookbook Robert C. Atkins MD
| 60 Sheer Mischief Jill Mansell
| 61 The Unadulterated Cat Terry Pratchett, Gray Jolliffe (Illustrator)
| 62 Billy Connolly Pamela Stephenson
| 63 House of Corrino Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson
| 64 The Subtle Knife Philip Pullman
| 65 "The Onion" Dispatches from the Tenth Circle "The Onion" Editors
| 66 Cisco Networking Academy Program: First-year Companion Guide Cisco Systems
| 67 Jack: What I've Learned Leading a Great Company and Great People Jack Welch
| 68 The Lord of the Rings Three Volumes (Boxed Set) J.R.R. Tolkien
| 69 Foley Is Good Mick Foley
| 70 Antrax Terry Brooks
| 71 Shattered Dick Francis
| 72 Operations Management Nigel Slack, et al
| 73 Crossing Over John Edward
| 74 The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order Samuel P. Huntington
| 75 HTML 4 for the World Wide Web Elizabeth Castro
 | 76 Last Light Andy McNab |
 | 77 BBC Suenos World Spanish: Course Book Maria-Elena Placencia, et al |
 | 78 Mr Perfect Linda Howard |
 | 79 The Rise and Fall of Marks & Spencer Judi Bevan |
 | 80 Give Me Ten Seconds John Sergeant |
| 81 Barefoot Doctor's Handbook for the Urban Warrior: a Spiritual Survival Guide Barefoot Doctor
| 82 Are You Dave Gorman? Dave Gorman, Danny Wallace
| 83 Isle of Dogs Patricia Cornwell
| 84 Buying a Home in France David Hampshire
| 85 The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook Joshua Piven, David Borgenicht
| 86 Faceless Martina Cole
| 87 Bad Blood Lorna Sage
| 88 My Name Is Red Orhan Pamuk
| 89 The Contented Little Baby Book Gina Ford
| 90 Gallows Thief Bernard Cornwell
| 91 American Gods Neil Gaiman
| 92 The Lost Boy Dave Pelzer
| 93 Espana Viva: Course Book Derek Utley
| 94 Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking Allen Carr
| 95 Captive State George Monbiot
| 96 Rich Dad, Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter
| 97 How to Be Good Nick Hornby
| 98 Kitchen Confidential Anthony Bourdain
| 99 Girl with a Pearl Earring Tracy Chevalier