| 1 The River Cottage Cookbook Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Simon Wheeler (Photographer) |
 | 2 A History of Britain Volume 2: 1603 - 1776 Simon Schama |
 | 3 A History of Britain: At the Edge of the World? 3000 BC-AD 1603 Simon Schama |
 | 4 A History of Britain III: The Fate of Empire 1776-2001 Simon Schama |
 | 5 What Not to Wear Trinny Woodall, Susannah Constantine |
| 6 The Blue Planet: A Natural History of the Oceans (Blue Planet) Andrew Byatt, et al
| 7 Delia's Vegetarian Collection Victoria Wood (Foreword), Delia Smith
| 8 Delia's How to Cook Book Three Delia Smith, Miki Duisterhof (Photographer)
| 9 Crossroads of Twilight (Wheel of Time) Robert Jordan
| 10 The Atlas of Tolkien's Middle-Earth Karen Wynn Fonstad
| 11 Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis (Allen Lane History) Ian Kershaw
| 12 Beggar's Banquet Ian Rankin
| 13 Schott's Original Miscellany Ben Schott
| 14 Delia's How to Cook Book Two Delia Smith
| 15 Jamie's Kitchen Jamie Oliver
| 16 The Death of Me Paul Vincent
| 17 The Lord of the Rings (3 Book Box set) [BOX SET] J.R.R. Tolkien
| 18 Hitler 1889-1936: Hubris Ian Kershaw
| 19 Bill Bryson's African Diary Bill Bryson
| 20 The Financial Times Handbook of Management Stuart Crainer (Editor)
| 21 "The Times" Concise Atlas of the World Matt Roberts, et al
| 22 Appetite: So What Do You Want to Eat Today? Nigel Slater
| 23 Three Great Novels: Strip Jack / The Black Book / Mortal Causes Ian Rankin
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 | 25 The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates (Penguin Science) Steven Pinker |
 | 26 Stupid White Men ... and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation! Michael Moore |
 | 27 Life Of Mammals David Attenborough |
 | 28 Rebus: The Early Years: Knots & Crosses / Hide & Seek / Tooth & Nail (An Inspector Rebus Novel) Ian Rankin |
 | 29 Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution: The Safe 14-day Programme That Will Help You Lose Weight for Life Robert C. Atkins |
| 30 The French Kitchen: A Cook Book Joanne Harris, Fran Warde
| 31 Coastliners Joanne Harris
| 32 Gary Rhodes Cookery Year: Spring into Summer Gary Rhodes
| 33 The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien
| 34 Taking on the World Ellen MacArthur
| 35 The Corrections Jonathan Franzen
| 36 Sahara Michael Palin
| 37 Rick Stein's Food Heroes: Recipes Inspired by the Champions of Good Food Rick Stein, et al
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| 39 Life On Air David Attenborough
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| 42 The Life Laundry: How To De-Junk Your Life Dawna Walter, Mark Franks
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| 45 Aldo Zilli's Foolproof Italian Cookery Aldo Zilli
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 | 50 Commando Workout: 4 Weeks to Total Fitness Simon Waterson |
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 | 53 Atonement Ian McEwan |
 | 54 Life of Pi Yann Martel |
| 55 Harlan Coben: Three Great Novels: Deal Breaker / Drop Shot / Fade Away Harlan Coben
| 56 The Little Friend Donna Tartt
| 57 Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy Philip Evans, Thomas Wurster
| 58 Fauna Britannica: The Practical Guide to Wild and Domestic Creatures of Britain Duff Hart-Davis
| 59 The Practical Dog Listener: The 30-Day Path to a Lifelong Understanding of Your Dog Jan Fennell
| 60 Delia's How to Cook Book One Delia Smith, Miki Duisterhof (Photographer)
| 61 Collins Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: Centenary Edition Oscar Wilde
| 62 Strategy Safari: The Complete Guide Through the Wilds of Strategic Management (FT) Henry Mintzberg, et al
| 63 The Silmarillion J.R.R. Tolkien
| 64 A Brief History of the Future: The Origins of the Internet John Naughton
| 65 The Kindness of Strangers: The Autobiography Kate Adie
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| 72 Chasing the Dime Michael Connelly
| 73 1421: the Year China Discovered the World Gavin Menzies
| 74 Antonio Carluccio's Italian Feast Antonio Carluccio
 | 75 The Corrections Jonathan Franzen |
 | 76 The New Rulers of the World John Pilger |
 | 77 A History of British Art Andrew Graham-Dixon |
 | 78 Troublesome Words Bill Bryson |
 | 79 The Beatles Anthology Beatles, The Beatles |
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| 82 The Life of Birds David Attenborough
| 83 Carol Vorderman's Detox for Life: The 28 Day Detox Diet and Beyond Carol Vorderman, et al
| 84 Gary Rhodes Cookery Year: Autumn into Winter Gary Rhodes, Sian Irvine (Photographer)
| 85 Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can't Get a Date Robert X. Cringely
| 86 Fat Flush Plan Ann Louise Gittleman
| 87 Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution: The No-hunger, Luxurious Weight Loss Plan That Really Works! Robert C. Atkins
| 88 Blood on the Tongue Stephen Booth
| 89 The New Contented Little Baby Book Gina Ford
| 90 The Return of the Naked Chef Jamie Oliver
| 91 Spies Michael Frayn
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| 93 Unfinished Tales J.R.R. Tolkien
| 94 The Sharpe Companion: A Detailed Historical and Military Guide to Bernard Cornwell's Bestselling Series of Sharpe Novels Mark Adkin
| 95 The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security Mitnick
| 96 " Ground Force" Garden Handbook: Practical Advice and Projects from the Experts (Ground Force) Alan Titchmarsh, et al
| 97 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R. Covey
| 98 Billy Pamela Stephenson