| 1 Delia's How to Cook Book 3 Delia Smith, Miki Duisterhof (Photographer) |
 | 2 Resurrection Men Ian Rankin |
 | 3 Five Quarters of the Orange Joanne Harris |
 | 4 The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien |
 | 5 Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution Robert C. Atkins |
| 6 The Summons John Grisham
| 7 Carol Vorderman's Detox for Life Carol Vorderman, Ko Chohan
| 8 Delia's How to Cook Book 1 Delia Smith, Miki Duisterhof
| 9 The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien
| 10 Harry Potter Paperback Box Set: Four Volumes J.K. Rowling
| 11 Delia's How to Cook Book 2 Delia Smith
| 12 The Lord of the Rings Three Volumes (Boxed Set) J.R.R. Tolkien
| 13 Happy Days with the Naked Chef Jamie Oliver
| 14 One Last Time John Edward
| 15 The Lord of the Rings Part 2: The Two Towers J.R.R. Tolkien
| 16 The Corrections Jonathan Franzen
| 17 The Lord of the Rings Part 3: The Return of the King J.R.R. Tolkien
| 18 Dr Atkins Quick and Easy New Diet Cookbook Robert C. Atkins
| 19 His Dark Materials Trilogy: Northern Lights / The Subtle Knife / The Amber Spyglass Philip Pullman
| 20 Tell No One Harlan Coben
| 21 The Lord of the Rings [7 Book Box set] J.R.R. Tolkien
| 22 The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization Patrick J. Buchanan
| 23 The Amber Spyglass Philip Pullman
| 24 The Universe in a Nutshell Stephen William Hawking
| 25 The Silmarillion J.R.R. Tolkien
 | 26 Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can't Get a Date Robert X. Cringely |
 | 27 Underworld Graham Hancock |
 | 28 The Last Time They Met Anita Shreve |
 | 29 Atonement Ian McEwan |
 | 30 Girl from the South Joanna Trollope |
| 31 The Lord of the Rings Part 1: The Fellowship of the Ring J.R.R. Tolkien
| 32 A Brief History of the Future John Naughton
| 33 Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus John Gray
| 34 The Contented Little Baby Book Gina Ford
| 35 Fitness for Life Manual Matt Roberts
| 36 Down Under Bill Bryson
| 37 Blown to Bits Philip Evans, Thomas Wurster
| 38 A Mad World, My Masters John Simpson
| 39 Billy Pamela Stephenson
| 40 His Dark Materials Trilogy Philip Pullman
| 41 Dot.con: the Greatest Story Ever Sold John Cassidy
| 42 Comic Relief: Quidditch Through the Ages J.K. Rowling, Kennilworthy Whisp
| 43 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire J.K. Rowling
| 44 Last Man Standing David Baldacci
| 45 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban J.K. Rowling
| 46 A Child Called "It" Dave Pelzer
| 47 Crossing Over John Edward
| 48 A Painted House John Grisham
| 49 Kitchen Confidential Anthony Bourdain
| 50 The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien
 | 51 Embers Sandor Marai, Carol Brown Janeway (Translator) |
 | 52 The Subtle Knife Philip Pullman |
 | 53 Nigella Bites Nigella Lawson |
 | 54 Makeup Your Mind Francois Nars |
 | 55 Jack: What I've Learned Leading a Great Company and Great People Jack Welch |
| 56 Decipher Stel Pavlou
| 57 Comic Relief: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them J.K. Rowling, Newt Scamander
| 58 His Dark Materials Trilogy Boxed Set: The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and the Amber Spyglass Philip Pullman
| 59 Buying a Home in France David Hampshire
| 60 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R. Covey
| 61 Band of Brothers Stephen Ambrose
| 62 Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking Allen Carr
| 63 Death in Holy Orders P.D. James
| 64 The Last Hero Terry Pratchett, Paul Kidby
| 65 Staying at Daisy's Jill Mansell
| 66 Good to Great Jim Collins
| 67 The Essence of Human-Computer Interaction Christine Faulkner
| 68 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone J.K. Rowling
| 69 New Oxford Dictionary of English Judy Pearsall
| 70 Windows XP Inside Out Microsoft Press
| 71 Rebus: The Early Years Ian Rankin
| 72 Northern Lights Philip Pullman
| 73 London: the Biography Peter Ackroyd
| 74 A Short Treatise on the Great Virtues Andre Comte-Sponville
| 75 Strange Places, Questionable People John Simpson
 | 76 Blackberry Wine Joanne Harris |
 | 77 Flesh and Blood Jonathan Kellerman |
 | 78 Skipping Christmas John Grisham |
 | 79 The Art of Looking Sideways Alan Fletcher |
 | 80 Fame Fatale Wendy Holden |
| 81 The Unadulterated Cat Terry Pratchett, Gray Jolliffe (Illustrator)
| 82 Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal With Change In Your Work and In Your Life Spencer Johnson
| 83 Body for Life Bill Phillips, Michael D'Orso
| 84 A Man Named Dave Dave Pelzer
| 85 Bridget Jones's Diary and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2 volume paperback boxed set) Helen Fielding
| 86 Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk Peter L. Bernstein
| 87 Heaven and Earth Nora Roberts
| 88 Harry Potter Adult Edition Box Set: Four Volumes in Paperback J.K. Rowling
| 89 The Lost Boy Dave Pelzer
| 90 PHP and MySQL Web Development Luke Welling, Laura Thomson
| 91 Writers' and Artists' Yearbook: 2002 Albert Jackson, David Day
| 92 Little Book of Drinks - Juices, Smoothies and Cocktails for Work, Rest and Play Innocent
| 93 Violets Are Blue James Patterson
| 94 Susie Orbach on Eating Susie Orbach
| 95 "The Lord of the Rings" Official Movie Guide Brian Sibley
| 96 New Pregnancy and Birth Book Miriam Stoppard
| 97 Something to Declare Julian Barnes
| 98 Lighten Up Pete Cohen, Judith Verity