| 1 Bridget Jones : The Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding |
 | 2 Century: One Hundred Years of Human Progress, Regression, Suffering and Hope 1889-1999 by Bruce Bernard(Editor) |
 | 3 Adrian Mole: the Cappuccino Years by Sue Townsend |
 | 4 The Fifth Elephant by Terry Pratchett |
 | 5 Walking with Dinosaurs by Tim Haines |
| 6 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
| 7 Delia's How to Cook Book 2 by Delia Smith
| 8 'Tis by Frank McCourt
| 9 The Internet 2000: the Rough Guide by Angus J. Kennedy
| 10 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling
| 11 Stalingrad by Anthony Beevor
| 12 New British Classics by Gary Rhodes
| 13 The English by Jeremy Paxman
| 14 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
| 15 The 1999 Private Eye Annual by Ian Hislop(Editor)
| 16 The Balkans 1804-1999 by Misha Glenny
| 17 Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt
| 18 Inconceivable by Ben Elton
| 19 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?: the Quiz Book by Question Masters
| 20 If Only... by Geri Halliwell
| 21 The Little Book of Complete Bollocks by Alistair Beaton
| 22 Web Design in a Nutshell by Niederst
| 23 The Remorseful Day by Colin Dexter
| 24 Black Notice by Patricia Cornwell
| 25 Faking It by Sarah Barclay
 | 26 Delia's How to Cook Book 1 by Delia Smith, Miki Duisterhof |
 | 27 Hannibal by Thomas Harris |
 | 28 Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett |
 | 29 Last Chance Saloon by Marian Keyes |
 | 30 Managing My Life by Alex Ferguson |
| 31 Galileo's Daughter by Dava Sobel
| 32 Timeline by Michael Crichton
| 33 Crisis Four by Andy McNab
| 34 The Code Book by Simon Singh
| 35 Harry Potter 4 by J. K. Rowling
| 36 The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama, Howard Cutler
| 37 Walking with Dinosaurs: 3D Dinosaurs Book by
| 38 The Isles by Norman Davies
| 39 The Motley Fool UK Investment Guide by David Berger, et al
| 40 The Motley Fool UK Investment Workbook by David Berger, Bruce Jackson
| 41 Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres
| 42 The Nation's Favourite Twentieth Century Poems by Griff Rhys Jones(Editor)
| 43 Weaving the Web by Tim Berners-Lee
| 44 Whatever Love Means by David Baddiel
| 45 Archangel by Robert Harris
| 46 England's Thousand Best Churches by Simon Jenkins
| 47 The Testament by John Grisham
| 48 Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee
| 49 Notes from a Big Country by Bill Bryson
| 50 The Oxford Companion to Food by Alan Davidson
 | 51 Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray |
 | 52 Grooming Essentials for Men by David Waters |
 | 53 Dead Souls by Ian Rankin |
 | 54 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K Rowling |
 | 55 The Ultimate Friends Companion by Penny Stallings |
| 56 Between Extremes by John McCarthy, Brian Keenan
| 57 Guinness Book of World Records 2000 by
| 58 John Major The Autobiography by John Major
| 59 Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can't Get a Date by Robert X. Cringely
| 60 Bridget Jones's Diary: a Novel by Helen Fielding
| 61 Almost Like a Whale by Steve Jones
| 62 Blackadder: the Whole Damn Dynasty by Richard Curtis, et al
| 63 Customers.com by Patricia Seybold
| 64 The Good Food Guide 2000 by Jim Ainsworth(Editor)
| 65 The Simpsons Forever by Matt Groening
| 66 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Cloth Bound) by J.K. Rowling
| 67 Windows NT Power Toolkit by Stu Sjouwerman, Ed Tittel
| 68 Second Wind by Dick Francis
| 69 Driving Over Lemons by Chris Stewart
| 70 Gemma Bovery by Posy Simmonds
| 71 The Naked Chef by Jamie Oliver
| 72 Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
| 73 Debrett's Guide to Tracing Your Family Tree by Noel Currer-Briggs, et al
| 74 The "Archers" Annual 2000 by Kate Willmott, Hedli Niklaus
| 75 Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks
 | 76 Art Attack 2: Great Stuff by Neil Buchanan |
 | 77 Monsoon by Wilbur Smith |
 | 78 Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution by Robert C. Atkins |
 | 79 Flashman and the Tiger by George MacDonald Fraser |
 | 80 Renaissance by Andrew Graham-Dixon |
| 81 Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende
| 82 Karl Marx by Francis Wheen
| 83 Cooking from Lake House Organic Farm by Trudie Styler, Joseph Sponzo
| 84 Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book 2000 by Hugh Johnson
| 85 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
| 86 Parcel Arrived Safely: Tied with String by Michael Crawford
| 87 Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson
| 88 Born to Be Riled by Jeremy Clarkson
| 89 Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire by Amanda Foreman
| 90 Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell, Pam Morris (Editor)
| 91 Michael Palin Travels The World Box Set by Michael Palin
| 92 Life in the Fast Lane by Eddie Irvine, Jane Nottage
| 93 Dreamweaver 2 Bible by Joseph W. Lowery
| 94 1900 House by Mark McCrum, Matthew Sturgis
| 95 The Little Book of Farting by Alec Bromcie
| 96 A Brief History of the Future by John Naughton
| 97 Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers by Royal Horticultural Society
| 98 Where Wizards Stay Up Late by Katie Hafner, Matthew Lyon
| 99 Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
| 100 The Hobbit 3D: a Three-dimensional Picture Book by J.R.R. Tolkien, John Howe (Illustrator)