| 1 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban J.K. Rowling |
 | 2 Death Du Jour Kathy Reichs |
 | 3 Hannibal Thomas Harris |
 | 4 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone J.K. Rowling |
 | 5 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets J.K. Rowling |
| 6 Charlotte Gray Sebastian Faulks
| 7 Driving Over Lemons Chris Stewart
| 8 Stalingrad Anthony Beevor
| 9 Mr Maybe Jane Green
| 10 The Naked Chef Jamie Oliver
| 11 The Internet : The Rough Guide 1999 Angus Kennedy
| 12 Ralph's Party Lisa Jewell
| 13 Starcrossed A.A. Gill
| 14 Alex Ferguson: Managing My Life - My Autobiography Alex Ferguson
| 15 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone J.K Rowling
| 16 The Loop Nicholas Evans
| 17 When the Wind Blows James Patterson
| 18 Black Notice Patricia Cornwell
| 19 Captain Corelli's Mandolin Louis de Bernieres
| 20 Mr Commitment Mike Gayle
| 21 Score! Jilly Cooper
| 22 Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire Amanda Foreman
| 23 In Pursuit of the Proper Sinner Elizabeth George
| 24 Straight Talking Jane Green
| 25 Deja Dead Kathy Reichs
 | 26 The Beach Alex Garland |
 | 27 The Legend of Luke Brian Jacques |
 | 28 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets J.K. Rowling |
 | 29 The Science of Discworld Terry Pratchett, et al |
 | 30 About A Boy Nick Hornby |
| 31 Simply Divine Wendy Holden
| 32 The Nudist on the Lateshift Po Bronson
| 33 Cause Celeb Helen Fielding
| 34 How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs Mark Collier, et al
| 35 "Take Off 10 Years in 10 Weeks" for Men Judith Wills
| 36 The Concise Oxford English Dictionary H W Fowler, et al
| 37 The Business Iain Banks
| 38 Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus John Gray
| 39 The Onion Presents Our Dumb Century Scott Dikkers
| 40 Losing My Virginity Richard Branson
| 41 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Cloth Bound) J.K. Rowling
| 42 Memoirs of a Geisha Arthur Golden
| 43 The Motley Fool UK Investment Guide David Berger, et al
| 44 Blast from the Past Ben Elton
| 45 Moon Island Rosie Thomas
| 46 Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution Robert C. Atkins
| 47 Red Dragon Thomas Harris
| 48 A Widow for One Year John Irving
| 49 Tara Road Maeve Binchy
| 50 Point of Origin Patricia Cornwell
 | 51 Angela's Ashes Frank McCourt |
 | 52 Star Wars Episode 1: Visual Dictionary David West Reynolds |
 | 53 Things Can Only Get Better John O'Farrell |
 | 54 Birdsong Sebastian Faulks |
 | 55 The Fifth Elephant Terry Pratchett |
| 56 The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing Melissa Bank
| 57 Disgrace J.M. Coetzee
| 58 Notes from a Small Island Bill Bryson
| 59 Star Wars Episode 1: the Phantom Menace Terry Brooks
| 60 "Ground Force", Water Garden Workbook Charlie Dimmock
| 61 The Planets David McNab, James Younger
| 62 Bag of Bones Stephen King
| 63 The Complete Idiot's Guide to Project Management Kim Baker, Sunny Baker
| 64 The Complete Idiot's Guide to Creating an HTML Web Page Paul McFedries
| 65 Perfume Patrick Suskind
| 66 Jemima. J. Jane Green
| 67 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone J.K. Rowling
| 68 Inversions Iain M. Banks
| 69 Enterprise Java Beans R. Monson-Haefel
| 70 The Surgeon of Crowthorne Simon Winchester
| 71 A Game We Play Simona Vinci
| 72 Friends Like These Victoria Routledge
| 73 Moonfall Jack McDevitt
| 74 Trading Online Alpesh Patel
| 75 Web Design in a Nutshell Niederst
 | 76 Raising Boys Steve Biddulph |
 | 77 Round Ireland with a Fridge Tony Hawks |
 | 78 Customers.com Patricia Seybold |
 | 79 Classic Pasta Cookbook Giuliano Hazan |
 | 80 Man and Boy Tony Parsons |
| 81 Jem (and Sam) Ferdinand Mount
| 82 The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon Stephen King
| 83 Longitude Dava Sobel
| 84 CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Todd Lammle, et al
| 85 Kotler on Marketing Philip Kotler
| 86 The Tesseract Alex Garland
| 87 Who Betrays Elizabeth Bennet? John Sutherland
| 88 The Breaker Minette Walters
| 89 The Peculiar Memories of Thomas Penman Bruce Robinson
| 90 The Africa House Christina Lamb
| 91 Writers' and Artists' Yearbook: 1999 D Crombie
| 92 Why We Buy Paco Underhill
| 93 Dreamweaver 2.0 Bible Joseph W. Lowery
| 94 The Kremlin Device Chris Ryan
| 95 MCSD Visual Basic 6 Distributed Exam Cram M. Thomas
| 96 Tenth Man Down Chris Ryan
| 97 Programming Windows with MFC 2 Prosise
| 98 Captain Bligh's Portable Nightmare John Toohey
| 99 Risotto! Risotto! Valentina Harris
| 100 Aristocrats Stella Tillyard