www.edlin.org / Tom Holt
The Tom Holt Webpage
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Stories and other texts by Tom Holt on the Net

Signed by Tom Holt

Sneak Preview of books and novels

DoughnutA sample chapter from the humourous novel by Tom Holt
Snow White and The Seven SamuraiA sneak preview
ValhallaA sneak preview (not at this site)
My HeroExtract from the book
Here Comes The SunExtract from the book

Short Stories

The God Who Came to Dinner
Good Morning NeverlandAbout the art of killing someone with style :)
IgorThe creation of artificial life
Subpoenaed in Syracuse


QuotesQuotes from Tom Holts' books.

Filk Songs

An introduction to what filk music is, by Tom Holt
NumenorianInspired by the movie(s) about Lord of the Rings
The Wild Canadian Boy
I am the Very Model of a Usenet PersonalityA song about newsgroups
The Compleat TrekwriterA song about writing episodes for Star Trek
Windows on my mindA song about how computers rarely work as they should
LadyhawkeA parody of Ladyhawke
The Driver To The West EndA parody of a Pete Atkin song.
Impractical ManA parody of a Pete Atkin song.
TenderheadA parody of a Pete Atkin song.
Singer and the LyricistA parody of a Pete Atkin song.
Parody: Not The Way To Get LaidAn attempt to filk Not The Way To Get Laid

Other things by Tom Holt

K.J. Parker interview done by Tom Holt K.J. Parker is an fantasy fiction author. An interview form Summer 2010

Index | Recent updates! | Biography | Bibliography | OnTheNet | Quotes | Links | Map of Site

Book Cover of Faust Among Equals

Quote from Faust Among Equals

"It's not just the hours. It's the hours and hours and hours that get to me."
(Tom Holt, "Faust Among Equals")
You can read more about and order this book online from Amazon: UK - USA - Canada - Deutschland

https://www.edlin.org / holtContact: use this form

All stories/filksongs is written by Tom Holt, and not by me.
This is a fan-page about Tom Holt, made by me,
Tom Holt is in no way responsible for whatever I put up or write here.