www.edlin.org / Tom Holt
The Tom Holt Webpage
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The Tom Holt Webpage

Greetings and welcome to The Tom Holt Webpage!

So, you want to find out more about the British author Tom Holt? Well, you are certainly at the right place!
Since over 18 years this website has existed (started sometime in 1996), with bits of pieces added and removed constantly. (Not the same bits and pieces, mind you, that would be quite stupid...)

For regular visitors: Visit the page Recent updates! to find out which pages that was latest updated.
Please forward any information that you bump into on the net, related to Tom Holt, so I can make this website as complete as possible. I will build a "thank-you"-page where people that contribute will get their credits.

For non regular visitors: Well, you have over 85 webpages here, all about Tom Holt. To start with, glance through the Biography to find out a bit more about him, and how to contact him.
After that it might be interesting to have a look at the Bibliography to get to know a bit more about the books. Or perhaps you want to find out what his writing is like, you can do that by checking out the material that is avaiable for download On The Net.
To not get totally lost among the pages, you can have a look at the highly pedagogical sitemapTM, which sort of brings order to chaos or something like that.

Well, when you are through with those pages you are of course really keen to find out about updates of this website. (Well, pretend you are anyway). Sign up for the free newsletter, which you will receive once in a while when I put up new material here.

You might want to discuss books and Tom Holt with other people, visit the newsgroup dedicated to Tom Holt.

Well, as you see there is quite a bit of stuff here, but it can be even more! If you have any information, or would like to contribute with reviews of Tom Holts' books, you can contact me using this form.

Enjoy the pages, and let me know of: any mistakes / missing links / broken images / meaning of life / your guinea pigs health / or anything else...

"How many spectral warriors does it take to change a light-bulb ?
One, and a stepladder. At a pinch, of course, he could stand on a chair."

From "Here Comes the Sun"

Recently published /
forthcoming books by Tom Holt:

Bookcover Tom Holt The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
The Outsorcerer's Apprentice
humourous fiction 2014


Bookcover Tom Holt When it's a jar
When it's a jar
humourous fiction December 2013


Bookcover Tom Holt Lucia and the Diplomatic Incident
Lucia and the Diplomatic Incident
short story September 2013
Kindle edition


Index | Recent updates! | Biography | Bibliography | OnTheNet | Quotes | Links | Map of Site

Book Cover of Who's Afraid of Beowulf?

Quote from Who's Afraid of Beowulf?

  `Then, why did he break that glass case?' asked the chief guard.
  `You know what it says on the notices,' replied Hildy desperatly.
`In case of fire, break glass.'
(Tom Holt, "Who's Afraid of Beowulf?")
You can read more about and order this book online from Amazon: UK - USA - Canada - Deutschland

https://www.edlin.org / holtContact: use this form

All stories/filksongs is written by Tom Holt, and not by me.
This is a fan-page about Tom Holt, made by me,
Tom Holt is in no way responsible for whatever I put up or write here.